Raven Hall - Alaska State Fair - Palmer, AK info@consign49.com

What To Sell

 How Consign49 Consigning Works

Our seasonal consignment sales are an excellent way to earn money by selling all those nearly new things you no longer have a use for! You prepare and price your items, using our quick and easy online inventory system, then drop them off 1 to 2 days prior to the sale. We do the rest! You keep 65% of your sales, with an optional additional 5% earned for each four-hour Consign49 team member shift worked, up to a maximum of 80% for three shifts (one of the three must include a Super Sorter shift on the evening of the last day of the event). Consignor payments are made via check or direct deposit within 10 business days of the conclusion of the event. Unsold items may be left for donation or picked up after the event.

Consignor benefits:

  • You set the price for each item!
  • You receive 65% of your sales with the ability to earn up to 80% by helping at the event.
  • You manage and track your inventory with our easy to use online program.
  • You get to shop first, before doors open to the public!
  • You decide if you want your unsold items to be donated to local charities or picked up and returned to you after the event.
  • Only a $20 registration fee per event (non-refundable).
  • No more posting each item individually online!

Interested in boutique consignment? Perfect for Boutique and Consignment Boutique owners with overstock to sell! Take advantage of this opportunity to sell your overstock during our event in our dedicated boutique section. Please contact us at info@consign49.com for specific details.

Please Note: The VIP Consignor option is no longer being offered at this time.

What To Sell & Buy

The following outlines the items that may be sold at Consign49 Events. All items should be either brand new or in EXCELLENT condition. We try to make our event an upscale resale shopping experience, which helps consignors earn more overall for their items. The quality of the items is a critical factor to the overall success of the event.

Consign49 reserves the right to reject any item that does not meet our requirements. We also do have some category specific item limits in place, please continue reading below for more details on specific item category limits.


  • Excellent condition or new women’s and men’s clothing, accessories, and shoes (of current style, trending vintage, or newer than 5-7 years old)
  • Handbags (in-style)
  • Jewelry
  • Home Décor
  • Furniture that has been up-cycled or smaller, accent type furniture pieces
  • Wall Art and Artwork
  • Sporting Goods and Camping/Outdoor gear in excellent condition, clean, and in working order. Please – no home gym equipment!
  • Craft items and supplies
  • Linens, Accent Pillows and Rugs (in-style). No towels unless new with tag.
  • Lighting (include working bulb so can be tested)
  • Books, Games, and Puzzles
  • Pet items in new or excellent condition

Not Accepted:

  • Any items found to have damage, defects, missing parts, or not in proper working order
  • Clothing with stains, rips, excessive wear or fading, pilling, pet hair, strong odors or cigarette smoke smell, or is out of date/style (older than 7 years is our general guideline). Vintage styles are accepted if pieces are on trend.
  • Lingerie, panties, bras, PJs, and sleepwear.  Sports bras in new or like new condition will be accepted and go with the activewear section.
  • Any apparel, accessories or goods with company, school, or specific event logos
  • Pants, skirts or bottoms that are pinned and/or not on pants hangers, pant hangers must be the type with clips underneath the hanger
  • Items that are in excess of specific category item limits
  • Baby or Children’s Items (unless consignor has written approval prior to sale)
  • Electronics or small appliances unless new in box or with Consign49 approval. All sales are final at our sale, and we cannot test these items or ensure that they are in working order. The only types of items with a cord accepted are home décor related that can easily be tested such as lighting and lamps.
  • DVDs, Record Albums
  • Kitchenware including pots and pans, utensils, drinking glasses, gadgets, etc.
  • Plastic Containers including Plastic Storage Tubs, Plastic Meal Prep Containers, Plastic Tiered Organizers, and Plastic Tumblers
  • Off Season Holiday Decor
  • Figurines, Action Figures, Collectibles, or Collections
  • More than 2 of an Identical Item (unless consignor has written approval prior to sale)
  • Bath items and beauty products (brand new items may be accepted with prior Consign49 approval)
  • Bulky, large, out of date, or office furniture such as large entertainment centers, couches, or home gym equipment
  • Automotive parts
  • Weapons or hazardous substances
  • Food items

Specific Category Item Limits:

Our venue has space limitations, and in order to accommodate as many consignors as possible, we have some specific item quantity limits in place.  These item limits may be subject to change from sale to sale, so please be sure to read the consignor informational emails for a particular sale to understand current item limits in place.

Clothing Related Item Limits:

Hanging Clothing – 75 total hanging items per consignor.  This includes ALL hanging clothing items regardless of category.  Accessories such as handbags, scarves, and shoes do not count towards the hanging clothing item limit.

Increased Limits: The limit on hanging items can be increased by working as a Team Member during the sale. If you are unable to work at the sale, but feel you have more than 75 premium clothing items, and would like to apply for a limit increase, please email us at info@consign49.com.

For each Team Member shift worked, hanging clothing item limits are increased as follows:

– 1 Team Member Shift – limit increased to 100 hanging clothing items

– 2 Team Member Shifts – limit increased to 150 hanging clothing items

– 3 Team Member Shifts – limit increased to 200 hanging clothing items. Limits may be increased further if consignor sell thru percentage from the prior sale is over 70% AND you get prior written approval from Consign49

Pants – 10 total pant items (this does not include jeans, leggings, outdoor or athletic style pants), this applies to all consignors regardless of Team Member shifts

LuLaRoe Items – 10 total LuLaRoe brand items, this applies to all consignors regardless of Team Member shifts

T-Shirts/Tanks – 5 total T-shirts/Tanks (plain cotton style), this applies to all consignors regardless of Team Member shifts

Shoes – Shoes that are not highly sought after brands may be subject to be held as restock inventory (limits on non brand name shoes may be put in place for future events)

Seasonal Item Limits – For our fall events only, there will be a limit of 10 total seasonal items (shorts, sun dresses, sandals) unless higher end brand names

 Non-Clothing Related Item Limits:

Non-Clothing Item Limit (As of 2024) – 75 total non-hanging items per consignor. This includes items besides clothing such as shoes, accessories, jewelry, and home decor. 

Limits may be increased further if you are a returning consignor, your sell thru percentage from the prior sale is over 70% AND you get prior written approval from Consign49

If you have over 75 non-clothing items, over 70% sell-thru, and would like to apply for a limit increase, please email info@consign49.com

General Overall Item Limits:

Returning Consignor Overall Item Limit – Consignors that have a sell thru percentage of less than 25% from the previous sale that they participated in, may be subject to a lower overall item limit based on additional factors.  If this may apply to you or you would like additional information, please reach out to info@consign49.com for more specifics.


Preparing Your Items For Our Event

Tagging and preparing your items can be a bit intimidating the first time around, so we have endeavored to put together a Consignor Guide of sorts to help outline the process steps.

1- Gather your items

Start by going through closets and drawers. Take a good, long look at each item you’re considering for consignment and ask yourself, “Why do I want to consign this?” If the answer is “It’s a beautiful item and I love it, BUT…”

  • It will never fit me again.
  • It’s just not my color.
  • My lifestyle has changed and I won’t wear or use it again.
  • I’ve had it for awhile and the tags are still on it.
  • It was an impulse buy and it just isn’t ‘ME!’

Then you’re on the right track! Keep going! Be mindful of category item limits and items that are not on the accepted items list.

2- Perform a quality check

Inspect all clothing, shoes and accessories for stains, excessive wear, fading, etc. Your consignor check will reflect the quality of the items that you bring in! Please review your items carefully, as less than excellent items won’t be accepted in the sale.

3- Prepare items for tagging

Hang clothing on hangers, making sure the hangers are facing left, with the top looking like a question mark. Pants, skirts and bottoms MUST be hung on pants hangers, the type with clips, and will not be accepted if pinned. Shoes do not need to be bound together. Accessories like scarves do not need to be on hangers. Any items with multiple pieces can be placed in Ziploc type bags or kept together with zip ties or tape that will not damage the item.

Clean, neat and fragrance free sells the best! The cleanliness, condition and appearance of your items is critical to your success as a consignor. Make sure zippers are zipped, buttons are buttoned, items are free of hair and lint, and any heavy wrinkles are steamed out. If your item falls off the hanger while prepping, it will likely fall off the hanger at the event, causing it not to be seen.  We suggest changing it out with a better hanger, such as a velvet hanger, to keep it in place.

4- Log in! Let the entering items fun begin!

Go to consign49.com and click on Log In to enter our consignor portal and begin entering your items into our online inventory system. From the Activities Menu drop down at the upper left, click on “Work with Consigned Inventory”. Then select “Active Inventory” at the top, and choose if you want to work from your mobile device or a computer to enter items. You will then enter a description, size, price, category and quantity. More detail is better! A specific description will help us be able to look up the item if it becomes separated from the tag. We recommend including the brand name and color in the description. Next you get to choose if you want your item discounted on the last day of the event, and if you would like your item to be donated.

  • For the “Item Can Be Discounted” option, check this box if you wish for your item to sell for 50% off on the last day of the event, if it hasn’t sold already. This is highly recommended! Many shoppers come back again just for the half-price sale! If you select to apply the discount, this will be indicated on the tag with a dollar sign symbol in the upper right-hand corner. Do not check the box if you do not wish to sell the item for half price on the last day.
  • For the “Item Can Be Donated” option, check this box if you would like this item to go to our local partner charity if the item goes unsold during the event. Items designated to be donated will be marked with a heart symbol on the upper right-hand corner of the tag. Do not check this box if you would like to have your item back if it doesn’t sell. *If you choose to pick up your unsold items, please make a note of the pickup time. All items designated as donate or not picked up at the end of the agreed pick up time will become the property of Consign49 for the purposes of donation. 

You can then click on “Submit Item” and then your item will show up at the bottom of the page as part of your inventory.

5- Print Tags

The software will convert your entered inventory items into barcoded tags that can be printed from a home printer. Please be sure to print on white cardstock only. Using the cardstock instead of regular paper ensures the tags stay on and your item doesn’t get put in the lost and found because it doesn’t have a tag. It also ensures our barcode scanners work right and keep the lines moving!

6- Attach Tags

Please use a tagging gun or safety pin and attach the barcoded tag to either the fabric garment tag at the back of the neck, or through the underarm or inner cuff seam on the right side (when looking directly at the item). Do not put the pin or tagging barb directly through the garment itself as it can leave a hole and devalue your item. Garments with straight pins or stapled tags will not be accepted. If your garment is laying down in front of you, the hanger should point to the left (looking like a question mark) and the tag should go on the right. For shoes, if there is no way to attach via tagging gun or safety pin, you can tape the tag to the inner or bottom sole. For home decor, attach the tag in a non-damaging spot on the back or bottom. Multiple items being sold as a set can be grouped together by zip ties or placed together in ziploc type clear bags.

7- Items Not Being Donated

If you are not designating your items as donate on the tag, please mark each tag with a subtle unique mark on the back blank side (stamp, handwritten symbol, etc.) to distinguish your tag. This helps us visually during the sort process at the end of the sale for sorting the items back into the individual consignor piles.

We recommend pricing lower, rather than higher. Why? Because Consign49 is a bargain shopper destination. People wait anxiously for our events, because they know they will find high quality items at excellent prices. AND because we want our consignors to have a high sell thru rate and cash in on the work preparing items for the event! The more reasonably priced your items are, the less likely they are to come back with you at the end of the event! Refer to the next section for pricing recommendations.

You’re ready for the event! Make sure you have scheduled your drop off appointment, and that you’ve signed up for your Consign49 team member shifts!

Please note- drop off appointments cannot be scheduled during your work shift. You will not receive full credit for your time, should this occur.

Pricing Recommendations

As a Consign49 Consignor, you have the freedom to set your prices. There is a $3.00 price minimum, with .50 price increments. As a very general pricing recommendation, we suggest you price your items at 50-90% off original retail.

Pricing your items is always a challenge as you attempt to balance receiving fair market value with the risk of over pricing or underpricing your items.

The lower you price, the better your items will sell. Use the original price as your guideline and also take the brand, condition, and age into consideration and raise or lower accordingly.

We also recommend you mark your items as discountable to be eligible for the 50% off sale. Many shoppers look forward to the half price day of the event and look forward to seeing what they can find at the discounted price on this day.

Consignors Golden Rule: Don’t sell what you wouldn’t buy!

Here are some tips and guidelines we hope you might find useful:

  • Price your items as if you were the buyer and not the seller. Ask yourself, “How much would I pay for this USED item?”
  • When selecting your price for the item, think of the least you would consider taking for it and that should be your price. If you can’t take half that amount, then do not select the half price option for that item. Do not let the 50% off price affect your regular selling price, because it makes the regular selling price too high.
  • Price low those items you prefer not to take back home with you.
  • Try not to let any sentimental feelings take over that would inaccurately inflate pricing.  If you aren’t quite ready to let go of an item, consider holding on to it until the next event.
  • Consider this a great opportunity to clean out closets and storage on a timeline. Don’t let your time and energy go to waste by pricing too high. Price it to sell!

Dropping Off Your Items

Drop off appointments are a requirement for every consignor.

Click Here for the direct link in the consignor portal to select your drop off appointment time

  • Please arrive promptly, with all of your items, at the event location. Out Consign49 Team Members will be ready for you.
  • Your appointment will last approximately 45 minutes.
  • Please help us keep the drop off running smoothly and have your clothing items sorted by size and category.
  • All items should be hung, snapped, zipped, tied, buttoned, free of lint and excessive wrinkles, and tagged properly at the time of Drop Off. Items will sell much better when hung properly.
  • Consign49 Team Members inspect each item dropped off. Items not meeting Consign49 standards, not on the accepted list, or not within the category item limit quantities, will not be accepted and returned.
  • Once inspections are complete, consignors will then place their own items directly on the sales floor in the appropriately labeled sections. This ensures that all items are placed on the sales floor and in the appropriate places.
  • Please note that the lights in our facility could be different than the lights in your home. Our lights bring out stains that you may not see at home. We do not accept any items that are showing signs of wear, they must look in LIKE NEW Condition. Any rejected items will be available to be returned to you at the end of your drop off appointment. Consignors that have an above average number of items not accepted or returned may risk future opportunities to participate in Consign49 events.
  • Items without Consign49 Tags cannot not be sold, and therefore will not be accepted.
  • Tags should be printed on the proper cardstock. Tags printed on regular paper fall off easily, and lead to many items ending up in the lost and found, therefore not selling.
  • Items may be pulled off the racks and shelves for unsatisfactory quality or inappropriateness at any time during the sale.

Unsold Item Pick-Up

If you will be picking up your items (possibly to sell at our next event) please arrive promptly for item pick up. Unfortunately, we cannot hold on to any inventory. Items not picked up on time will become the property of Consign49.

  • Items will be sorted on tables with all items grouped according to consignor number. Feel free to bring a tote or box for transport of your items back to your vehicle.
  • All rejected items (pulled after drop offs ended) will be on ‘rejected racks’ if there is not enough time to sort these items out per consignor number. Please check this section for any of your rejected items.
  • All untagged items (items that have become separated from the barcoded tag) will be placed in our Lost and Found. Please check this section for any of your lost items.

Consigning: Frequently Asked Questions

We receive countless calls and emails from people interested in consigning, with questions regarding the specifics of consigning. Therefore, we’ve put together a list of our most frequently asked questions. Please take the time to read through- you aren’t the only one with that question! And if this doesn’t answer your questions- please don’t hesitate to contact us! info@consign49.com

What is Consigning?

Consigning is a great way to earn money! It is a much less stressful alternative to garage sales, Buy/Sell/Trade Pages, and online selling platforms like eBay. Consignors prepare, price, and enter their items into our online inventory system. They tag each item, and then entrust their sales items to the Consign49 Team for the duration of each event. Within 7-10 days each consignor will receive a check for a percentage of the sales price of the items sold. Consignors have the option to pick up any items that do not sell.

What is the difference between consigning with Consign49 and consigning at a Traditional Consignment Store/Boutique?

Consign49 Consignors have many advantages over traditional consignors. Through Consign49 they can:

  • Make up to 80% of their sales vs. 25-50% at traditional stores.
  • Set their own prices!
  • Closely track all inventory.
  • Receive payment within 7-10 days. No waiting for months to see your earnings or only getting store credit.
  • Sell items in less than a week. No waiting for months for your items to sell!

Can anyone consign with Consign49?

Yes. Consigning is open to anyone that is looking for the most rewarding way to sell perfectly good items going unused or unworn. We recommend signing up as soon as possible after registration opens, as we are only able to accept 300 consignors at each sale due to our space limitations.

What fees are involved in consigning with Consign49?

Consign49 Consignors pay a fee of $20.00 for registration to participate in our upcoming event. Percentages paid to Consignors vary from 65-80%, depending on if you work as a helper during the event. See our comprehensive Team Members section for more information.

What is a VIP Consignor?

At this time we have discontinued the “VIP Consignor” option, which is the consignor option in which Consign49 team members prepare, price and tag your items for you in advance of the sale. If you have additional questions regarding “VIP Consignor”options, please send an email to info@consign49.com

What items can I consign at Consign49?

Consign49 prides itself in the quality of items offered (therefore accepted). Excellent condition women’s and men’s clothing, shoes and accessories, handbags, and home decor are what you’ll find at our events. We can’t accept items that are:

  • in less than excellent condition
  • outdated, (more than 7 years old, even if they still have the tags)
  • stained, ripped, broken, damaged or incomplete
  • have excessive smoke smell or excessive pet hair
  • in excess of specified item category limits

Please visit our “What to Sell” section for a complete list of accepted vs. not accepted items as well as item category limits. Our Consignor Portal, once you sign up to consign, also has a comprehensive category list.

Are there any item limits in place?

Yes, we have certain item limits in place on specific categories for a particular event due to a number of factors. Please see the section regarding item limits above in the “What to Sell” section.

How should I price my items?

We recommend pricing gently used items at 50-90% off retail or price originally paid (depending on item, brand and condition). However, pricing is completely up to each Consignor. That being said, the lower item prices are, the more likely they’ll sell. We also advise our consignors to mark items as discountable, as many buyers come back for our 50% off sale.

How do I tag my items?

Once a consignor registers, they will gain access to our online portal. Here they will input their items, details and prices. The portal will automatically create barcoded tags with the information submitted. See our “Preparing Your Items” page, for step-by-step instructions on tagging your inventory.

When do I drop off my items?

After registering, consignors will have access to our online portal, where they can sign up for their drop-off appointments. All drop offs are at the event location. Drop off appointments are typically 1-2 days before the event opens to the public. Upon drop off, each item will be closely inspected to ensure it meets Consign49 standards.

Do I get my hangers back?

Yes (kind of). We let our consignors take home hangers to replenish the hangers from the sold items.  As items sell throughout the event, hangers are removed, and our Team Members bundle and sort them.  These hangers will be made available to consignors at the end of the event. We recommend using generic hangers, as we cannot guarantee that you will get the same ones you brought in.

What happens to the items that don’t sell?

Consign49 consignors can either leave their unsold items to be donated to the local non-profit with whom we’re working with, Teen Challenge PNW, or they can pick up their items at the designated time on the day after the event.

Do consignors get to attend the Private Presales?

Of course! One of the perks of consigning with Consign49 is that all consignors receive a pass to our Opening Night Presale. Get the great picks and buys before anyone else, by shopping before the public!  Please note – consignors must drop off items and have a total sales value of at least $100 to be eligible to receive presale passes. Also, Team Members are eligible to shop even earlier! Check out the Team Member info page for more details!

Stay in Touch

Use these buttons to keep in touch through our mailing list and text notifications. This will allow you to receive notifications and news about our upcoming events! If you are a registered consignor with us then you are already on our mailing list, but be sure to sign up for our text notifications as well!

Sign Up to Consign!

Consign Now!Team Member Sign Up!